mindfulness meditation
wellness + habit change​

A Student of
Human Moves
Learning to pause deeply and be present in our lives allows us to bring awareness to our actions and respond more wisely.
I love film and one day while watching The Color of Money, I heard this line from Paul Newman's character Fast Eddie to the new hot shot on the scene, Vincent (played by Tom Cruise), "You got to be a student of human moves. See, all the greats that I know of were students of human moves."
This rang true for me in a different context as I went deeper into my mindfulness practice. First we become of a student of ourselves, of our minds. We practice taking a close look at our thoughts, our feelings, our motivations. And we also become of student of practicing better responses, practicing right effort and right action. We are a student of our own human moves. That practice then radiates outward effecting others and the external world.
Human Moves became the title for this section of my site and newsletter where I offer essays, opportunities for reflection and community classes and events exploring these topics on our path toward inner and outer wisdom, freedom and peace.

Human Moves Book Club
Join us on Zoom for discussion and reflections on our current book, The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. Recently chosen again by Oprah for her book club, this book continues to bring great insight and is well worth a deep exploration.
Sign up for the first session here. It will take place Monday, February 10th at 6pm ET on a private zoom link.

Classes and Events
Experiential writing classes and Mindset talks. Find the schedule and sign up here.